

前関連科目 後関連科目
総合英語1 総合英語2


授業の目標と概要 In this class, students will acquire skills for writing passages and making presentations
in English. It is necessary for the engineers to have skills to write and talk in English
not only for obtaining information but also appealing their products and outcomes.
In this course, students will learn English writing and presentation skills through practice.

Students must submit assignments by each deadline every week.
The lecturer uses English in the class. Students are encouraged to use English
as much as possible.
Active participation is regarded as important in the class.
到達目標 By the end of the class, successful students will be able to write an English paragraph
around 100 words such as a summary of their research report. In addition, they will
be able to give English presentations on their familiar topics and scientific subjects.
成績評価方法 A) Writing assignment: 20 points; B) Writing examination: 20 points; C)
Presentation: 50 points; D) In-class participation and attitude: 10 points
Total point = A+B+C+D
Passing criteria: 60% of the total point
Final grade: same as the total points
No reexamination for failing students
テキスト・参考書 No required textbooks.
Recommended books: 即戦力がつく英文ライティング, 日向清人, DHC, 2013
「使える理系英語の教科書: ライティングからプレゼン,ディスカッションまで」, 森
村久美子, 東京大学出版会, 2012
「読み手の心を捉える! 英文テクニカルライティング」, 片岡英樹, 日刊工業新聞社, 2016
メッセージ Learning logical expressions in English will lead to improve Japanese expressions.
Writing and presentation in English may look difficult, but challenge positively.
授業項目 授業項目ごとの達成目標
English writing (8 sessions) To use appropriate grammar and punctuation at sentence level.
To create a clear topic sentence and write a coherent paragraph.
To use appropriate discourse markers in a paragraph.
To write simple logical passages in English.
English presentation (7 sessions) To make presentations on daily and scientific topics in English.
前期期末試験 実施する
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