授業の目標と概要 |
We will use the text at times and we will free speak at times. You will
learn new words and be introduced to English as it is used in the real world.
Your participation will be required. Sleeping is absolutely prohibited.
At times you will have to speak in front of other people. Being overly shy
will not help you in this class. Most students find this class very fun.
It would be nice if you bring a dictionary. Also, please bring a pencil
and notebook.
到達目標 |
To help you gain confidence in your English ability and untroduce you to
English as it is used in the real world.
成績評価方法 |
50% of your final grade will be based on your in-class attitude and
participation. The other 50% will be based on how much your speaking and
comprehension improves.
テキスト・参考書 |
Textbook: Outlook 2
メッセージ |
This class will be as enjoyable as you make it. I will show you that
English is not as hard as you think.
授業の内容 |
授業項目 | 授業項目ごとの達成目標 |
Unit 1-4
Friends and Family
New vocab
More confidence
前期中間試験 |
Unit 5-8
New vocab
More confidence
前期期末試験 |
Unit 9-12
Money and the Economy
New vocab
More confidence
後期中間試験 |
Unit 13-20
New vocab
More confidence
後期期末試験 |
Syllabus 2008 -- Ver. 0.50